Saturday, December 21, 2013

Woman Gets Attacked by a Polar Bear

It's official. Bears hate women. A couple weeks ago I blogged about a bear attack in California, and now a polar bear has decided that it has had enough of Canadian women walking around getting free healthcare.

I'd like to note that bears are huge and that if you don't see a bear coming then you absolute deserve to be mauled. That being said, her description of a bear attack wasn't too shabby. "Run, run, run. Like paws on the shoulder kind of thing, then just like raaaahwwwrrr." She's a real Faulkner with words.

Not a good look btw. Hipster thing is played out lady.

P.S. Don't want, NEED, a baby polar bear for Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. I can't stop laughing hysterically at the baby polar bear.
