Friday, May 16, 2014

Jenny Dell Ruined Every Girl's Day at Rockland Junior Prom

NO CONTEST. Jenny Dell absolutely mauled the competition and simultaneously made every chick looking for attention hate her. Prom for girls is like the biggest event and competition of the year. It's their pageant. It's the Miss America of high schools. Girls with ugly dresses never make it the whole night without crying in the bathroom. The Prom Queen lives in memory forever and gets all the jocks. 

Welp, Jenny showed up and ruined every single girls chance to shine. She's skinnier than a 16 year old girl which is pretty insane, and she has the poise of a goddess. BTW, this kid has ruined all his chances at making the girls at his school like him. He made the prom about him and Jenny Dell, and not about the sacred competition. At least college is a couple years away and he can say that he went to prom with Jenny Dell. The freshmen girls will be throwing themselves at Killa Cam here.

Couple of exclusive pics from the Prom:

Yeah I'd have a raging boner all night if I went to prom with Jenny Dell. I'd 100% wear compression shorts, and even then...

P.S. Let's hop in the time machine real quick:

Fuckin' killed it at my senior prom. Don Draper status. The hair, the tux, the smile. All 10's.

h/t to Greg for the pics

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