Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What Would You Order As A Last Meal If You Were On Death Row?

I stumbled across this blog by Upworthy titled, "See The Photos Of What Death Row Inmates Requested As Their Last Meals" and it immediately got me thinking. Let's say I was deranged enough to commit some heinous crime that would bring me onto death row. The guard comes up to me and says, "Hey sicko, time for your last meal. What'll it be?" Let's take a look at some examples...

Seems like a fantastic Southern comfort food, but if I'm getting murdered in an hour, this is not what I'm getting. Actually I had chicken wings for lunch, so definitely not getting this.

This is more like it...Lobster, shrimp, clams, garlic bread. Seafood delight. I hate root beer so I'm gonna pass on this one too.

Lobster and steak with a side of Lord of the Rings...He bought himself an extra 9 hours with the LOTR Trilogy choice which I commend, but I feel like he should've picked Shawshank or the Green Mile to get some ideas.

This looks terrible. Last thing on earth that I want is this. Strawberry and fried shrimp? AND ORIGINAL KFC? You gotta go Extra Crispy. Guess this is why he killed 33 people...

Bro, try harder to be a hipster. I dare you. I hope you choked on the pit, lived and then got the lethal injection.

Now I'm asking the FriendTopia Bloggers and readers what their last meal would be?

My Last Meal:

2 JBC's

1 order of Texas Roadhouse buns with Cinnamon Butter.

Cheesy Fries w/Bacon

Clam Chowder from Kelly's.

1 gallon of EctoCooler


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