Thursday, January 16, 2014

Reese's's "Deja Vu" Commercial Creeps Me Out

Before I shit on this commercial, I have to admit that until I looked up the video (because I was pissed at it and wanted to blog about it), I never fully understood the commercial.  Once I looked it up on Youtube, I was like "Ohhhhhhh...the creativity...and the advertising...right....".  Maybe that's what Reees's wants you to do after you hear it enough times is to actually pay attention.  As if they don't have enough sales as is.

Usually on Sunday afternoons Papa Bear likes to kick back and take a nice snoozer during the football games.  Because the Giants suck.  And I look something like this:

Well I guess CBS or FOX must have some killer deal with Reese's (Editor's fact check?) because one afternoon while I was sleeping this commercial came on so much that I would kinda wake up during the first commercial, and then the second one did me in.  Okay, I'm awake.  3 & Out.  Fall asleep during punt snap. FUCK. Reese's commercial. 

In a nut shell, Reese's is depriving people of sleep so they can beat out the Charleston Chew for most famous candy of all time.  

Don't poke the bear!

I can't not point out that the baby moose sounds like an old lady getting plowed.  Speaking of old women getting plowed...

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