Thursday, January 2, 2014

Wolf of Wall Street Review

Without giving anything away about the movie, I'm gonna attempt to review the latest Scorsese flick, The Wolf of Wall Street. First off, make sure you have plenty of time on the day that you choose to see this movie as it is approx. 3 hours long. I honestly didn't even realize it was that long when I saw it. Not exactly what I expected from a movie not named The Hobbit or Star Wars.


Great choices all around. Leo is solid in everything he does with the exception of What's Eating Gilbert Grape but to be fair he went "full retard". Jonah Hill delivers a classic performance as a goofy sidekick with a sex and drug addiction. Jon Berenthal aka Shane from The Walking Dead not only has great facial hair but shines in another tough guy role that is done to perfection. 
Check this facial hair out:

The greatest role in this movie though belongs to Margot Robbie in her breakout performance as Leo's golddigging wife. She literally burned the theatre to the ground within the first 10 seconds she was introduced to the movie.



Not gonna delve into details because I'm lazy and I don't want to give too much away. Basically, it was 50% Porn, 45% Project X, and 5% Finance. Not a movie to see with the parents or grandparents.

There are scenes in which complex financial ideas are presented but then immediately cut off as Leo was probably told not to give penny stock secrets away to the national audience. The other scenes include huge parties, random sex, and drug use, which makes it perfect for all the 20-somethings out there looking to party hardy and see some tits. For the educated and movie buff audiences, this film provides close to no actual drama or higher thinking.


Funny. Sexy. Simple. Predictable.

Multiple mimosas were harmed during the filming of this movie:

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