Monday, January 27, 2014

Missed Connections Monday!

you flashed side boob at Jason's Deli - m4w (Jason's Deli (San Pedro & 410))

it was Friday night about 7:30 when you walked into the Jason's Deli on San Pedro and 410. I wasn't really paying attention, but you were with another woman, you had blonde hair and were a little overdressed (but not for long) for eating at J.D. You had on a nice off the shoulder dress, black and white, and heels on. You were re-arranging your "stuff" so that it wouldn't fall out of your dress when I caught a glimpse of side boob. NICE! You only flashed your left boobie for a split second, but that was enough. Your right boobie is probably jealous that she didn't get the same exposure. If you would like to make it right, let me know. There's nothing worse than boobie envy.

If not, that's ok too. Thanks for the side boob peep show. And for reminding me that I was out of milk and had to stop at HEB on the way home.

This man is playing his cards perfectly in hopes of attracting this woman. Pays complete attention to everything about the woman. Her hair, her clothes, shoes, and friends. It's exactly what women want in a man, somebody who will notice all of the little details about her. I'm sure that this guy wouldn't remember anything about her had he not seen a bit of a slipup, but hey, sometimes you get lucky.

Also, nothing worse than boobie envy. It's like blue balls for women. Except it's less painful. And its made up. 

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