Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Nick Cannon Does Whiteface: Internet Explodes

Before we start here, I just wanna say that I am not the least bit offended by this. Calling it racist is in itself, racist. I think its hilarious and stereotypes have always amused me. If you are a fan of the Chappelle show, then you are amused by these stereotypes too. How about Chuck Taylor?

That shit was funny as hell. ALSO, white people were not enslaved in this continent ever soooo why not allow a black comedian to slap some paint on his face and act like a spoiled white kid? 

I understand that a white guy putting blackface on is a lot different than the other way around. It just is. No need to justify it. Just don't do it. Black people have a lot of slack due to the period of time between when our white great-great-great grandfathers went to Africa and stole a bunch of muscular dudes to the mid 60's, when they had to sit on the back of a bus. Fucked up shit, but you can't change that now.

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