Monday, April 14, 2014

This Banksy Guy is Such a Hipster

Gizmodo - UK

What's alleged to be Banksy's latest piece of artwork has popped up on the side of a house in Cheltenham, and it depicts security agents spying on a public phone—right round the corner from the UK's intelligence center, GCHQ.

The graffiti appeared first thing Sunday morning, reports the Gloustershire Echo. Karen Smith, who owns the house on which the artwork is painted, says she saw men packing away white tarpaulin into a van at 7:30am on April 13th, and then discovered the artwork on the side of the building.

The piece is located just down the road from the UK's Government Communications Headquarters—the home of all things intelligence on the other side of the Atlantic.
It's not yet confirmed to be a Banksy, but it has all the style—and wit—that you'd expect from his work. [Gloustershire Echo via Guardian]

Two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and hipsters.

Fuck you and your graffiti, Banksy. I hope they catch you in the act and lock you up for vandalism. Yeah, everyone knows that governments spy on people. Yeah, everyone knows that there's nothing you can do about it. So how bout you just sit in a studio and paint some "art" to sell instead of just sending an international message on the side of a small house in the middle of nowhere.

Here's some hipster jokes:

Q: Why did the hipster burn his tongue? 
A: Because he ate his food before it was cool. 

Q: How many hipsters does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 
A: You wouldn’t know, it’s kind of an obscure number

Q: How do you drown a hipster? 
A: In the mainstream. 

Q: Why did the hipster leave his oceanside mansion? 
A: It was too current. 

Q: How much does a hipster weigh? 
A: An instagram. 

P.S. I actually kind of think the art is dope, but don't tell anyone. I HATE hipsters.

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