Friday, January 17, 2014

The Governator vs. Climate Change

"The Governator’s got a new foe – Climate Change"

Dibs the movie rights! Don't even care about this article or what Schwarzenegger actually plans to do about the climate. I only care about watching Arnie start an all out bloodbath against Global Warming. "But Galls, climate change isn't a tangible thing, how can he possibly fight it?" Psh, rookies that's easy, of course he can. First rule in Hollywood is f#%@ reality, it's too boring. Here's what you do:

- Step 1: Create a super-villain that is responsible for all climate change in the world (Doctor Smog?)
- Step 2: Basically just have The Governator kick Dr. Smog's ass with awesome special effects and big guns for 45 minutes.
- Step 3: Have Arnie bang some chick who's in distress.
- Step 4: Another 45 minutes of ass kicking special effects and possibly a little drama worked in but not enough to take away from the ass kicking.
- Step 5: Killer ending scene where The Governator finally defeats Dr. Smog, and then banging with that chick ensues.

It's really that easy. Not going to win any awards, but it will definitely make money. Yes, it's a similar movie structure that they come up with in Always Sunny, but that's only because it's so on point. So someone alert James Cameron, we have a movie to film.

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